Dr.Sung, in average, do 150 root canals a year.
If you have a question whether you need one or not, please find one of our doctor to take look at your teeth. Call us 972 - 264 - 1662
Dentsply has the most top notch devices and products when it comes down to endodontic worlds.
Our office is proudly announce that we majority of our endo products from Dentsply Sirona.
we recently upgraded our Apex locator from Root Zx I -> Root Zx II. Root Zx is the most accurate measuring device to find exact length of your teeth to clean canals.o
Root Zx is the most accurate measuring device to find exact length of your teeth to clean canals.
Now let's see the results.
1- big amalgam fillings on lower molars were giving patient pains
2- two root canals were done following standard of care protocol by AAE (American association of endodontics)
3- crowns are delivered
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